【同义词辨析】 2019-04-08 轻松readiness-dexterity

readiness: emphasizes the quickness or promptness with which something is done: indicated her ~ for the task.   prompt快速和quick的区别是,prompt强调因为训练有素所以能够快速,可形容急救或抢险等,如prompt response快速响应)

ease: implies absence of strain or care or hesitation with resulting smooth efficiency in performance: answer a series of questions with ~.

facility: is often very close to ease, but sometimes suggests a slick superficiality rather than true ease: a ~ with words that was almost too glib.      (slick光滑,贬义=extremely smooth,形容地面时表示光滑容易摔倒,如slipped and fell on the slick floor地太摔倒了)

dexterity: implies proficient skill such as results from training and practice: handled the class with the ~ of a master.   proficient精通的意思是全面具备某方面的能力thorough competence derived from training and practice,如a translator thoroughly proficient in Russian一位精通俄语的翻译)   (skill技术,指具备专业知识technical knowledge, 如the skills required of a surgeon外科医生需要的技术

readiness准备就绪: 强调能够快速完成某事,ease轻松: 表示做事不费力操心犹豫,因此顺利高效,facility轻松: 可能只是表面肤浅而不是真正的轻松,dexterity娴熟熟练: 表示精通技术,源自培训练习。

记忆方法: 1)首字母refd想成Fred<==做事轻松         Fred是Friedrich或Frederick的昵称,尼采全名Friedrich Nietzsche,腓特烈大帝Frederick the Great都是德国人

        2)轻松的意思是做事不费力mean the power of doing something without evidence of effort.